Welcome to the 2023 Legislative Leadership Conference

The Legislative Leadership Conference is the staple fall event that prepares the ACCG membership for the upcoming legislative session. Attend this conference to learn more about the issues expected to come before the Georgia General Assembly in 2024 and, most importantly, to attend the Business Session to vote on the 2024 Policy Agenda and Legislative Priorities.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 through Friday, October 13, 2023

Jekyll Island Convention Center
75 N Beachview Dr.
Jekyll Island, GA

Attend the Business Session

ACCG Membership to Vote on 2024 Policy Agenda and Legislative Priorities.
County officials are encouraged to attend the business session on Thursday, October 12 at 1:30 p.m. to vote on the Proposed 2024 Policy Agenda and Legislative Priorities. The business session presents the opportunity for the entire ACCG membership to vote on the issues the association’s policy team will take before the General Assembly and Congress.
If your county appointed a voting delegate, voting credentials can be picked up on Wednesday, October 11 from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and on Thursday, October 12 from 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the registration desk in the lobby.
*Note: If your county does not designate a voting delegate, the voting delegate shall be the chair or sole commissioner or his or her designated member of the governing body (a county commissioner).

Keynote Panel: The Housing Issue in Georgia's Counties

Thursday, October 12
9:30 a.m. – 10: 30 a.m.
North Georgia to South Georgia. Rural, urban, and suburban counties. It is not difficult to find a county in the state not dealing with issues related to housing. The inventory of affordable housing is desperately low, and counties are facing a multitude of challenges as they try to take steps to improve opportunities for their residents to secure affordable housing. Members of the panel, including representatives from the private sector and local government, will present their viewpoints on possible solutions to this widespread challenge.

Informative Hot Topic Sessions

Attend the hot topic session of your choice on Thursday afternoon. The sessions will feature a mix of topics recently identified as priorities by county officials, including mental health, Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) and Service Delivery Strategy (SDS) challenges, and property tax assessments.